Practice cvc words with a magic table to make reading and writing of cvc words, high frequency words, sight words, spelling words, and even handwriting letters fun and engaging for all kiddos. It undoubtedly can make any subject fun!!!
I have a magic table in my room! I bet you do too! You can write on it with a “magic” special marker with dry erase markers and just a regular old table or desk. (Be sure to check on a small space so you don’t get in trouble with your custodian.)
This is the most focused I have seen them in the past few weeks! Amazing what a small change can accomplish!
Every student went in the right direction as they practiced forming this difficult letter to work on handwriting.
Then we practiced stretching and writing words! I pulled a card from from my Cvc Words Practice Games and stretched the word. The students had to write the letters that went with the sounds. The we practiced successive blending to check the words. We talked about it if was a real or make believe word. One student had to use the word in a sentence, so we also developed oral language skills! Win! Win!
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner took it right off BECAUSE this is the only table they are allowed to write n with markers…on purpose!
They love it!?! So Cool! But be sure to emphasize that this only works on the “magic” table at school. There are NO magic tables at home!
In case you are interested, here are other Blending and Segmenting resources to help develop fluency that I use!!
Teach Magically,
Awesome! I am going to try this tomorrow! Thanks for sharing! My firsties will love this.
NICE!! I bet your students love it. That's a great idea. Thanks.
Our kids love writing directly on the tables with dry erase markers. But since it leaves a little shadow, our custodians aren't as much of a fan. 🙂
WOW! Have you tried lysol wipes? I usually just use white board cleaner and away goes every mark!
What a fabulous idea! I love it!
Great article!
Isn't it awesome when things grab them?
My kids love writing all over the table too! Makes learning so much fun!