The Best Way to Segment Words

The Best Way to Segment Words Teach Magically
Segmenting fluency is the best indicator of reading success!  The first step is working on segmenting words, or braking the word into syllables. Doing this phonological awareness skill in kindergarten will help children read and write multisyllabic words in the upper grades.

1st-Syllables of Names

Started the syllable study by making a chart of the students names, clapping the syllables, and placing dots to represent the claps. Be sure to practice each day!
Teach Magically Segmenting Syllables Pin

2nd-Clap Vocabulary

Practice clapping the syllables with all kinds of words all through out the day!

  • Talk about Recess–clap |re| |cess|
  • Read Alouds- Chrysanthemum-clap |chry| |san| |the| |mum|
  • Vocabulary- Digit-clap |dig| |it|
3rd-Play Games
Games develop so many attention and listening skills so using a game to develop learning the syllables makes perfect sense!

Teach Magically Segmenting Words Game Feed the Animals Game

  • The 3 or 4 animal cue cards have dots to help the learners remember the number of syllables! (It also helps with math and counting so I like to show it with dots!)
  • The students choose a card and all learners clap the number of syllables.
  • The student then has to place it under the correct animal.
  • The other learners need to give a thumbs up or down to show support.
It’s so much fun to hear, “You can clap syllables” or “You clapped the right amount, Yeah.”  They are so happy when friends do the right thing!!!
The Best Way to Segment Words Game Pin Teach Magically


Give time for independent practice. (Remember also clap all kinds of  words from book read in Read Aloud…vocabulary works work well!) Work on a cut & paste activity!  It really shows what the students have learned while developing fine motor skills.  Be sure to ask what they think before deciding on correctness.  Sometimes they supply another word even when we review the words (that tells you a lot about working memory).
Teach Magically Segmenting Words Worksheets
Move to segmenting phonemes later because that is a more difficult skill.
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Make everyday magical,
Debora from Teach Magically

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Steve

    Cute game ideas! I can’t wait to try them!

    1. Debora Marines

      Games make learning fun!

  2. Debora Marines

    I try to make learning a game and fun! Keeps me interested!

  3. Leslie

    My students and I love learning games! Thanks for much for sharing.

    1. Debora Marines

      You are very welcome!

  4. Dawn

    This is great for learning and reinforcing syllables! Such a great read!

    1. Debora Marines

      Thanks Dawn!

  5. ivana

    Wonderful ideas! I use some of these, like clapping, when teaching online ESL. Thanks for the post!

  6. Jenn

    These are such great ideas! I can see my son falling in love quickly with his new “games”

  7. Tara

    These are all great ideas for teaching segmenting words! The games sound like lots of fun!

  8. Debora Marines

    Thanks! It makes a big difference when teaching them how to read and write.

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