The kindergarten students were so surprised this week to actually do a choral reading during shared reading with a big book as a group, plus they did all the work! I have been telling them for a few weeks that they are actually reading and can figure out a story based on what they know about the characters, what makes sense, and the sound/letters they know. BUT…I still do not think they believed me!
I did not actually think all of them would actually pay attention and read….because of the times I watch them not focus on the words as we read together! “How can you fix it?” I ask my self over and over?!?!?
Let one of the students do the pointing! Say WHAT?

WOW! Imagine my surprised at how well they focused together as a group! I actually taped it to record the amazing reading! The parents can see it on Seesaw, and the students actually watch it when they have choice time! They love to see themselves on video.
Am I an amazing teacher that makes great learning happen? No, I am a teacher that takes cues from the students, and I am always pleased and surprised at the outcome! They never cease to amaze me!
How did choral reading happen in shared reading?
Me: Please read this book with me focusing on the letters and the sounds they make.
Student: I think you should let me point because I can actually read those words now! (You should have heard the wonder in his voice)
The students then read the book together. One student pointed and the others read along. They read, reread, and then fixed any mistakes that were made!
Here is the morning class reading the book so well that I did it with the afternoon class too!
Why mess with a good thing?!?
What I did after choral reading and shared reading in kindergarten?
I said, “WOW! Great job! Let’s record that so all of your parents and the world can see how well you read in Kindergarten!”
The students can’t wait to read a book independently and record it for their parents to see and to share on the class SeeSaw Digital Portfolio. Check out this amazing tool! It’s free for teachers!
I hope you take a chance and let your kindergarten kiddos develop some independence with choral reading and during shared reading. Be sure to tag me @teachmagically so I can celebrate with you!