Amazing Activities to Develop Number Sense in Kindergarten

Amazing Activities to Develop Number Sense in Kindergarten Teach Magically

Number sense is a compilation of relationships that build a “sense of numbers” that must be practiced by students. Check out a few amazing activities to develop number sense in kindergarten students. These amazing activities help kindergarten kiddos deepen their understanding of math concepts and develop number sense. 


Develop fun ways for number sense- Teach Magically

John Van de Walle’s book “Teaching Student Centered Mathematics K-3” (2006) talks about four number relationships that help develop number sense.

1. Spatial relationships

2. One and two more or one or two less

3. Benchmarks of 5 and 10

4. Part-part whole

How to Develop Number Sense in Kindergarten

1. Spatial relationships – having a visual of a quantity. Instead of seeing 4 as just the digit 4, students need to see fours things.

How to practice

Students need to count the hearts and find the numbers. Boom cards are always free plus I love that they are self checking. Check out Free Preview.
Counting to 10- Teach Magically
2. One and two more, one and two less – this is not the ability to count on two or count back two, but instead knowing which numbers are one or two less or more than any given number.

Play Roll and Exercise to Develop Number Sense in Kindergarten

A fun way to work with numbers and add some movement. First tell students you are going to be rolling a dice then add or subtract 1, 2, or 3 to the number rolled based on the ability of the kiddos.

1. Roll dice and figure out how many exercises to do.

2. Do squats, jumping jacks, run in place or high knee cross raises.

Exercise video- teach magically
3. Benchmarks of 5 and 10 – since ten makes up our number system and two fives make up 10, students must know how numbers relate to 5 and 10.

Play with Number Paths

I have number paths for different months of the year so I only teach once and they have fun. Click to check out Number PathsThe paths are grouped by 5 therefore the students must take them apart and put them back together. After that, the students write the numbers under the path. Problems can then be solved easily. See Number Sense

teach magically Amazing Activities to Develop Number Sense in Kindergarten
4. Part-Part-Whole – seeing a number as being made up of two or more parts.

Play Spill the Beans

Teach Magically Number Sense  Spill the Beans

Pick a number to focus on then shake the beans and record what you see.  Then check out other ways to work easily with these beans at Number Bean Fun.

In fact the best thing you can do that builds number sense is asking how numbers and/or problems relate to each other. Because students need to see connections easily. So check out 10 Ways to Develop Number Sense.

What Questions Can You Ask Kindergarten

Have students look at numbers, pictures of objects, or problems then ask:

•“Do you notice anything?
•“What do you wonder?”
•“What is the same?
•“Can you tell me what is different?”

So what other amazing activities do you do to develop number sense? Certainly comment below and let me know.
Debora~Teach Magically

Click to check out a ten frame I made to help with talking about number sense.

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