The Best Listening Skills for Classroom Behavior Management

The Best Listening Skills for Classroom Behavior Management Teach Magically
Learning to be part a classroom and following directions needs to be taught and practiced. Using silent signal or motions to help students remember how to focus is a must. Once these motions are taught and discussed, students will be able to learn and others around them can learn. Here are a few of the best listening skills to help develop classroom behavior management.
The Best Listening Skills for Classroom Behavior Management Teach Magically

Where do you start for the best listening skills?

Basically, teach motions to help students remember the “Listening Rules!” Here are a few Words to say- Followed by Motions
Eyes Watching-Point to the corner of your eyes.
Ears ListeningMake an L with fingers and point to ears.
Voice WorkingPut your fingers to your lips. (Quiet when needed and answering when needed)
Body StillHug your torso with both arms.
Brain Thinking-Point to brain.

Say the words and have the students do the motions. On another day, do the motions and see if the students can say the words. Be sure to practice each day until it becomes easy.

  • Focusing attention involves using eyes, ears, and brain.
  • You can focus your attention just by thinking about it, and the more you do it, the better you get at it.
  • Using self-talk helps you focus attention

Play Games

(Think Simon Says but say “Echo Complete”) 
1.First, Choose 2 puppets. 
2. One puppet is the puppet you listen to and follow directions.  
3. The other puppet you ignore. If the other puppet tries to tell a direction…be still and do not move.

Puppet 1 says: “Echo Complete” Clap like a Dinosaur.” Students need to repeat or echo the direction then complete the action.                                                    

Teach Magically Listening Skills

Puppet 2 says:  “Echo Complete” Put your hands on your head.”
Students need to stay still and not move.

Teach Magically  Impulse Control The Best Listening Skills for Classroom Behavior Management

Work on one step directions before even trying 2 step…but your goal is a 3 step direction eventually. It is a great way to develop listening skills, motor skills, and impulse control. These are the skills you need for active listening which helps develop beginning executive function skills. You can also check out Brain Research for Learning for other things that help with listening and learning skills.
The Best Listening Skills for Classroom Behavior Management  Pin Teach Magically

I hope you’ve found this information about how to develop listening skills helpful. If you have any additional tips that might help a teacher, please comment. Make sure to go check out my store, Debora Marines TeachMagically for many fun resources. And you can follow Debora Marines TeachMagically for new products, discounts, updates, and freebies. Here’s where you can find me:

Make everyday magical,
❤Debora from Teach Magically

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