Kindergarten Research Project: Easy Frog STEM and Language

Kindergarten Research Project Frog Teach Magically

Doing a STEM or STEAM research project with kindergarten students is a great way to incorporate reading, writing, language, science, and fine motor together. Learning about frogs as a topic makes it fun so check out a few tips to make it easy.
Kindergarten Research Project Frog Display Teach Magically
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How to Do STEM Research for Kindergarten

Create K-W-L Chart

We created “Know and Learned” lily pads to guide our research and discussion. This is an adaptation for a traditional KWL.  It is somewhat simpler language.
With I Know…I recorded the students’ ideas down on sticky notes during our science time.
Kindergarten Research STEM Display Teach Magically
After our unit of study, we used interactive writing to write what we learned together.  We spelled to, can, and they from our memory and yes they rhyming posters were posted 👇🏾to help us. 🤣🤣🤣
But we sounded out the other words on chart paper so as a result we worked language with our science study.

can sight word rhyming poster teach magically they sight word rhyming poster teach magically to sight word rhyming poster teach magically

Research Frogs with Non-Fiction

We read many non fiction and fiction books about frogs. Here are 2 of our favorite nonfiction books from our class library! Grab FREE Comprehension Questions Here

frog nonfiction book teach magically
Nonfiction book for kindergarten research teach magically

Kindergarten Research Online

We used PebbleGo to learn about these amazing amphibians. Some of the students studied other amphibians to extend their knowledge. It was so fun to watch them research other animals.

Respond with Fine Motor Life Cycle

Then we created an art project to explain the life cycle of the frog. Of course we used paper tearing to create the life cycle of the frog. They make an amazing display!

Kindergarten research frog life cycle teach magically

I did supply a worksheet with the labels. In addition, I placed a hole punch with black paper at the writing center so the kiddos could create a basket of eyes to use in this project.

Kindergarten research frog life cycle poster teach magically

I hope you get a chance to try a few of these! Let me know how it turns out!

Teach Magically,


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