5 amazing rhyming videos with ideas for teaching rhyming will make teaching rhyming magical. Ok, it will seem like magic! Rhyming is such an important skill for language and literacy development. It is a step in phonological awareness which helps with reading skills but learning to rhyme takes time. so be sure to provide a lot of practice!
What to do besides rhyming videos?
You can check out rhyming books I love to read and students LOVE to hear! However, I also have many games to make rhyming fun! Check them out at Rhyming Practice!
5 Amazing Rhyming Videos
Here are the best videos and stories that I use to help develop this important phonological awareness skill of rhyming. I try to do 1 before guided reading groups for brain breaks. I also use these 5 engaging videos before I start a game with rhyming.
Down By the Bay– This traditional children’s song can also be adapted into a class book for lots of fun. You will find your kiddos sing this throughout the day!
1, 2 Buckle My Shoe-This counting song dates back to the late 18th century. Perfect for Math Time. Don’t you love when language skills and math skills combine?!?
Ants in Your Pants– Perfect song to get the wiggles out! The kiddos will crack up laughing!
Make a Rhyme Make A Move– Rap type movement video. This song presents two words, and children have a chance to listen and decide if the words rhyme or not. If the words rhyme then they do a cool Hip–Hop “That rhymes, that rhymes, and if the words don’t rhyme they say “No way, no way.”
Exercise, Rhyme, and Freeze– Add movement and inhibitory control that also helps with behavior management and listening skills.
Check out other games at Teach Magically Be sure to follow Teach Magically so you can check out new games and ideas. Please connect on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Make everyday magical,
Debora from Teach Magically