Amazing End-of-Year Reflection for Teachers

Amazing End-of-Year Reflection for Teachers Teach Magically
Thinking back through your year is the perfect way to celebrate the great things that have happened within your classroom. Do you practice reflection skills? Amazing end-of-year reflection for teachers can improve your teaching practices, develop teaching growth, and help you transition out of school mode. 

How Reflection Helps Teachers

  • Understand teaching practice-Reflecting on teaching can help teachers understand how their students learn and what works well. It can also help identify barriers to learning and areas for improvement.
  • Celebrate accomplishments-Teachers can reflect on what they are proud of and celebrate their achievements.
  • Plan for the future-Teachers can identify opportunities for growth and new ideas to implement next year. They can also consider systems to make their lives easier and instruction more effective.
  • Ease the transition-Reflection can help teachers ease the transition between school and vacation mode.
Check out my collaborative blog post that reflects on learning! Click Conversations from the Classroom for a sneak peak!  Enjoy!
Kids working End-of-year reflection Teach Magically

End-of-Year Reflection Questions for Teachers

  • How has your classroom experience this year met or differed from what you expected at the beginning of the year?
  • What have been some of your challenges this year, and how were you able to overcome them?
  • Over the year, what have you learned about yourself and your professional identity?
  • What are you most proud of from this past school year and what do you want to be different moving forward?
  • When did you see your students most authentically engaged, when you felt like real learning was happening?
  • What are your highest hopes for your students next year?
Sight Words Conversations from the Classroom Teach Magically

Hopefully, you can think critically about your teaching practice and celebrate the accomplishments while identifying opportunities for growth. Whether you’re a new teacher or a seasoned veteran, I hope a little reflection will inspire you to take stock of your teaching practice along with setting goals for the next year.

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