The end of the year is fast approaching, but we are still learning! Best way to keep behaviors from spiraling out of control! Keep them busy!!!
What are we doing to stay engaged?
We have started a study of insects. We are learning that they have 3 body parts and 6 legs! Great as we watch caterpillars turn into butterflies!
Pulling pattern blocks from a bag and graphing to see which was pulled is a fun way to keep kiddos learning.
Make it even more fun by adding a blindfold! Kiddos had to use their senses to describe the sides and angles.
Roll dice to practice writing numbers 1-6 or use a math template to make sure the they go in the right direction! We still mess this up in kindergarten!
We continue to work on “spilling beans” to find parts of a total! This type of numeration work helps develop fact fluency!
Re-read stories that we know! It helps us practice fluency! Plus we are so proud that we can stretch words, reread and figure out words from the sentence/picture! Using all these strategies can be so difficult for beginning readers!
Focusing on the sneaky, silent e makes reading more difficult books fun! We sort fun ice cream cones. This type of word work really focuses learners on looking through entire words!
Stretching and blending beautiful flowers keeps the learning fun! When we write the words we work on letter formation! Telling a sentence makes it more difficult, especially with nonsense words! You should hear those sentences!
I really think the students love this time of year because they are so successful and they do all of the work now instead of listening to me talk!
What do you do to keep learners engaged at the end of the year?
Teach Magically,