We have been working so hard to practice rhyming! Here are the amazing rhyming read aloud stories we love to read in kindergarten which always starts a practice session. Then we have been playing many games to practice which is a favorite in kindergarten because games are the best!
Rhyming Memory for practice is THE favorite game!
How we do it:
We turn over about 18 matching cards in an array! Yes, we certainly talk about what an array is and how to make one. As I have said before, I love to get a little math in whenever I can.
Students turn over 2 pictures at a time and state the picture names. All students must say both and say if they rhyme or not!
If they don’t rhyme, it is the next learner’s turn.
If the 2 pictures rhyme, that learner goes again and searches for another rhyme.
They get so excited when a friend gets a rhyme. It is so fun to watch!
Once students can tell if 2 words rhyme or not, move onto having the students supply more words that rhyme with the pair. Because producing rhyming words is a mor difficult phonological awareness skill. Check out PA skills from easiest to hardest.
Another Amazing Rhyming Practice Game is Rhyming Smack!
First, the students have 3 focus pictures. For example: fan, bear, bug.
Then a picture is turned over and the students must smack the focus picture that rhymes. So if they turn over jug, they need to slap bug and say, “jug and bug rhyme.”
In the picture above, both students smacked bug when the mug picture was turned over in the game. Then we said a bunch of other words that rhyme with bug and jug. Without doubt, we counted the silly words zug and fug.
We had a beautiful day so we went outside and used fly swatters to smack the rhyme! What’s more, since we were outside, we got to yell the rhyme!!!
Rhyming Sort Is Another Version of Rhyming Smack
This amazing rhyming game is perfect practice for kindergarten that uses the same game cards. First, the three focus pictures are placed at the top of the table. Then a learner picks a cards from the pile and places it under the focus word that rhymes.
As we play, we often say all the words together to help develop the ability to produce a rhyme. As soon as a silly word is said, the kiddos crack up and enjoy a laugh.
Rhyming Dominoes for Kindergarten Practice
As can bee seen by the picture above rhyming dominos is a fun phonological awareness game that is easy because there are no words. This makes perfect practice for kindergarten students or any students that can’t read well yet.
How to play:
All the cards are divided between the players. GO is placed first and the learner says the picture beside go (bat). All the learners say words that rhyme (hat, pat, fat, mat)
Each learner looks for a rhyming picture. The matched is placed and we start again. They are always amazed at the path they create. As a hint, have kiddos lay their pictures out for all to see. Then help is always at hand.
A Fun Rhyming Assessment or Fine Motor Rhyming Practice
I hope you found a few fun rhyming activities to make this phonological awareness skill engaging for your learners.
Teach Magically,
This looks like a lot of fun! My son had a hard time with rhyming words when he was in kindergarten. I think something fun like this would have been great for him!