Check out these 4 fantastic, fun ways to practice segmenting cvc words that include movement to help send the words to long term memory. Segmenting is the earliest predictor in future reading success. Segmenting is one of the most important things kiddos can do to help them develop as readers, writers, and great beginning spellers. Practicing segmenting cvc words helps develop phonemic awareness.
BUT we all know that there is never enough time to fit everything into a regular day so incorporate gross motor skills with the academic skills! Grab FREE fine and gross motor ideas HERE
So what are fantastic fun ways to practice segmenting?
1. Hopping
Create 3-4 boxes on the floor with masking tape. Give kiddos a word, they will hop in the first box and say the sound of just the first letter, hop the second box and say the sound of the second letter, continue until all the letters are completed.
- Hint-The other students can write the letters that stand for the sounds so everyone does something.
2. Touch Parts of the Body
- Starting with head as the first sound, waist for the second sound and toes for the last sound.
- If they are more advanced and able to do 4 sounds- use head, shoulders, waist, and toes.
3. Use BINGO dabbers
4. High Knee Touches
Remember don’t add letters until you are ready to work on phonics.
Segment every single day in a fun way to build phonemic awareness skills. What we do each day depends on the amount of time we have. If I need a “filler” I do an easy quick activity!
For beginning readers, they don’t really understand how the sounds are broken apart inside of words. So practice, practice, practice.
If you want the Owl cvc Word Cards- Grab them Here Owl cvc Words Segmenting
Hope this helps you Teach Magically,